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Mostrando postagens de 2019
We're feeling fashionable and we hope you are too! Take some inspiration from Luciano Koenig Dupont's wacky portrait series and share your most vibrant fashion shots with us in the comments below: https://adobe.ly/2XYcTAC  (via  Fubiz )
What do big yellow taxis and the  Netflix  series  Stranger Things  have in common? Well, they're both referenced in  Xavier Portela Photographer 's latest nightscape series:  https://adobe.ly/2XVySEt  (via  Fubiz ) Which would you choose: upside down or right-side up?
This week, you voted on your favorite  # Ps_Opposites  image. Well, folks, the results are in, and we’re pleased to congratulate Anthony Edward for sparking joy with his Happy image. Keep an eye out for our next challenge on the Photoshop Instagram: https://adobe.ly/2XXiwuY
We don't know about you, but we've certainly never seen a hotel that looks like this! By turning otherwise banal structures into abnormal landscapes, Alex Lysakowski creates a transitional space that blurs the line between fantasy and reality:  https://adobe.ly/2Z8ibHi  (via  Fubiz )
Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you're just floating above the city? From artist  Bryan Aellen  comes a beautiful piece that evokes equal measures of wonder and surrealism. Watch his mesmerizing process in this  # Ps_Swipe  tutorial here:  https://adobe.ly/2ZePokd
The thing about photo manipulation is that it can tell fantastical stories without a single word. Artist Natacha Einat is taking us to other worlds with this magical piece, reminding us that with  # Photoshop , the impossible is always within reach:  https://adobe.ly/2GCptvG
No need to hold your breath... your new favorite underwater text effect tutorial is here! Join Lidia Lukianova and learn how to make your text look like it's underwater using Photoshop:  https://adobe.ly/2ZrhDfy
Local Preacher  adds a bit of digital magic to already-mystical scenery. Check out his photo series, "Lost Magic":  https://adobe.ly/2MB7x8m  (via Fubiz )
Adobe Creative Resident Temi Coker passou o ano passado imaginando e criando projetos como este. Em janeiro, o aplicativo Adobe Creative Residents será lançado! Inscreva-se aqui para saber mais: https://adobe.ly/2SmDb9B
Comece arrastando a foto para o novo documento e altere a cor usando a Ferramenta de ajuste de tonalidade. • Usando a Pen Tool (P), selecione o contorno do edifício, aplique uma Layer Mask, contraia a seleção por alguns pixels (Select> Modify> Contract) e inverta-a. Pinte o contorno do edifício com um pincel branco, defina o modo de mesclagem para Overlay e adicione um desfoque gaussiano. Eu sempre uso esse método para aplicar efeitos de luz em objetos para dar um tom mágico. • Adicione as imagens da Via Láctea à camada de fundo e defina o Modo de Mesclagem para Color Dodge & Screen, depois aplique a mesma Máscara de Camada que criamos anteriormente e inverta-a para manter o edifício na frente e nos céus atrás. Apague as sobras da Via Láctea na cena de primeiro plano e, em seguida, ajuste as cores usando a ferramenta Matiz / Saturação. • Em seguida, adicione a camada de fogos de artifício no topo do céu, redimensione-a e altere sua cor para mesclá-la bem. Def